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Waterparks lança Not Warriors oficialmente

Michelly Souza

Dia 26 de janeiro é uma data muito aguardada para fãs de Waterparks, pois, finalmente, "Entertainment" chegará por completo aos nossos ouvidos. E como parte da divulgação, o trio liberou há pouco um novo single, "Not Warriors".

Ontem, havia rolado um pré-lançamento limitado, mas agora a faixa está disponível no canal da Equal Vision Records.

Além disso, a letra da música também foi divulgada. Confira abaixo:

We tore our phones to shreds We didn't answer nothing To all friends and family: Lost or dead. I couldn't get much sleep You lost your self in mine. It couldn't get much worse Than the best time of life.

There's nothing in my system So I'm feeling what I feel for you. I'm sweating out potential But I'm nervous at my central for you. There's nothing in my system So I'm feeling what I feel for you. There's nothing left to miss Except the shots I take And phone calls from you Now I just need you to feel it too.

Our residence is in this bed. All I want's The Office And what's awful is— "Don't think like that." You couldn't get much sleep I found you just in time But hey For what it's worth I think you saved my life.

I think I'll die obsessed Let's give up fighting back. You don't need to grip the best Because we're lucky people And you'll never have to sleep alone.

Já decoramos, e vocês? Lembrando que "Entertainment" está em pré-venda aqui.

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